With 2 ½ weeks to go to my TT adventure, I’m starting to turn my thoughts to planning. Not only the techie stuff, such as loading the route into tom-tom but the more mundane stuff too. Just how many pairs of pants and socks will my two panniers and top-box hold? If the weather could be guaranteed to be hot and sunny, would there be a case for going commando? Probably not a good idea, given I’m spending my time on the island at a private dwelling!
Besides the off bike clothing I have to be able to cater for all weathers on the bike too, so some careful sizing will need to take place to make sure I have everything I need to keep me both warm and dry, yet prevent me from dissolving in a pool of sweat should the weather be gloriously sunny. I do have some of those vacuum storage bags, which may make things fit a little easier. As with my Route 66 trip, I’ve bought some cheap ‘disposable’ t-shirts, which I can discard if need be for the journey back. Not that I’m planning buying loads of souvenirs or gifts.
You’ll notice I have added a countdown timer to the blog. Would have been OK had it not had the hotel advert on it but I couldn’t find anything else that looked as good, ad accepted.
Hopefully, if you expressed an interest in following the blog, you will be receiving emails to advise when the blog is updated. I’m pretty sure my landlady will have internet but whether I’ll be able to hook up to it is another matter. I may have to find somewhere that has a BT Openzone hotspot or cyber café to upload my thoughts and pictures.
On the subject of my accommodation, I am, as I said, staying at a private dwelling. This is quite common and called Homestay. Such is the influx of ‘tourists’ for the races, that normal hotels and guest houses can’t cater for all. Therefore, for those additional bodies that don’t want to camp, the Manx public rent out spare rooms. My digs will be in Ramsey at the north end of the island and the northern most part of the TT circuit. I’ve not planned where I shall be watching from at the moment but Parliament Square and the famous Ramsey Hairpin, will both be within a 10 minute walk. I do have a grandstand seat booked for the Wednesday of race week. That’s in Douglas, so I shall be riding on at least one race day.
18 days, 1 hour, 12 minutes and 55 seconds till TT adventure day 1.